Grab and Go Grows Up

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While convenience always drives consumer action, consumer spending is heavily influenced by inflationary pressures, active lifestyles, and health consciousness. As a result, many are choosing to trade the traditional meal for freshly prepared Grab and Go meal solutions.

Grab and Go experienced a boom when consumers sought alternatives to in-person dining. Pre-prepared, packaged items can ease onsite demand for dining staff, streamline production and expand customer reach. Continued popularity and growth have positive impacts across a broad range of operators including grocery, convenience, and restaurants.

While there are many considerations to capitalize on this strategic opportunity, a good first step is determining what food applications best suit your business. Home meal replacement, healthy salads and sandwiches are preferred by consumers. An important step is deciding which packaging works best with your food choice.

Packaging aesthetics is important for Grab and Go to appeal to consumers to maximize impulse sales. Additionally, to ensure a positive dining experience, packaging must be versatile to accommodate on-shelf, transport, reheating and dining. Lastly, collect feedback and be flexible.

Looking for a solution to make take-out, delivery and retail merchandising easy, secure and presentation ready? Check out a few of Grab and Go food packaging solutions.